Tropical Storm Warning – How to prepare you and your purr babies for the storm ~

Tropical Storm Watch

Today’s news about a tropical storm warning (a first in many many years for San Diego) and/or Hurricane Hillary is paws for cause going into this weekend. Having experienced  Hurricane Allen as a teenager in Barbados in August of 1980 and the magnitude 8.0 Earthquake in Peru on August 15, 2007, in addition to many local wildfires over the years that led to evacuations; emergency preparedness is something I take very seriously. We also had clients visiting Maui during the devastating fires last week and in conversations with them, I know this is a top priority for many of us. 

Being prepared can give you, your family, and your furbabies peace of mind.

So what can you do to prepare? and What are Slinky Cat’s emergency procedures?

How to prepare before the storm

  1. Stay informed: Sign up for notifications and check regularly for updates. Your city and our local news channels may have unique alert systems and often use social media platforms. Alternatively, you can register your number with Alert San Diego for the latest information:
  2. Plan ahead: Make plans for your family, your pets and your home. Talking about your plans is important and will help ease fears and anxieties.
  3. Verify Emergency Kits are up-to-date: Prepare emergency kits for your family and pets. Most lists recommend providing three days’ worth of water, food, and medicine for everyone in the household, including pets.
  4. Prepare for Interruptions in Utility Services: Prepare as if there will be a power outage. This is common in most natural disasters, and we witnessed it firsthand in Peru, where not only the power grid but also cell towers and telecommunications completely collapsed.
  5. Plan activities at home that help the family engage, pass the time, and reduce stress, such as card games, puzzles, board games, books and/or simple crafts.
  6. Heed all city and county instructions regarding potential flooding and evacuation orders if needed.

Other local resources that may be helpful or planning

For Slinky Cat at Home, the animals in our care are a top priority as well as the health and safety of our amazing team of kitty caregivers. If you are traveling this weekend, We recommend you take this opportunity to ensure the following is set up for your fantastic felines:

  1. Cat Carriers should be visible and out in the open, such as near the front door.
  2. Please review and update Time to Pet Emergency Contact information, preferably with a next-door neighbor’s contact information and verify they have a key.
  3. Hide a key on the premises in the event it’s needed.
  4. In the event of significant evacuations, we are prepared to take animals into our homes and/or to a secure location of an animal boarding facility that I have arranged in the event of an emergency.
  5. In the event your return travel is delayed due to inclement weather, please rest assured that we will provide continued care for your fantastic felines until we know you are home.

We are committed to animal safety and we truly love every Slinky Cat as if it was our own. We will track the storm as it nears and ensure the kitties in our care this weekend are set up with extra food, water, etc. on the off chance there are stay-at-home orders on Sunday or Monday. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Hugs and purrs, and please tell your Slinky Cats we said, “pssst pssst pssst” and we hope to see them soon!